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A Few Encouraging Words

Hello friends :) I just wanted to drop in and tell you a few things about yourself you may be forgetting or not letting yourself remember recently. So in case you needed to hear what's so amazing about you...I'll let you know!

1. You are unique. (This is pretty darn cool, because when you think about was made quite like you and no-one will ever be your kind of fun + cool!)

2. You are downright stunning. (Have you ever thought about the intricate details of your genetic makeup, abilities, mind, and physical appearance. Once again, nobody's as you as you are so appreciate the differences rather than pointing fingers and wishing for "better"-what's "better" anyway?!)

3. You are enough. (I cannot stress this enough-anybody who ever told you you weren't good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, emotional enough/too emotional or anything similar was so so very wrong. If I'm being honest, they just didn't want you to succeed or get what you deserved. Either one of those or they were simply jealous. You are, have been, and always will be enough in every way. You can always better yourself, but you are enough just as you are.)

4. You are strong. (Remember all the places you've been and the times you've overcome your biggest of struggles that you thought would never end? Even if one of those times is right now, I promise your light is coming, your blessing is on its way. You can and will make it if you let yourself be strong. Keep fighting, you're almost there.)

5. You are brave. (All those things that tried to keep you down never succeeded. You still got up this morning; if you're reading this, you're still breathing. That is bravery enough for this moment. Keep giving it all you got.)

6. You have a spark of eternity within you (aka your soul). (See previous post over on TheJourneyHome for more insight, but basically you have something inside you that knows perfection and knows this ain't it. Keep looking up at the stars and keeping your feet on the ground...He's watching and He's got you.)

7. You are a prince/princess if you've accepted Christ. (What's it like being royalty?! Just kidding...I am too! We're all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father in heaven-brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ Himself! They think you're worth caring about, so be nice to yourself, would ya?)

8. If you're a Christian, your body is a temple of the Most High God! (Take good care of yourself and don't forget to be kind to yourself when you mess up or forget things. It's going to be okay, promise. ;))

9. You are loved. (The Son of God came to die for you because God loves you so very much! There's no denying that. Also I care about you and your well-being and I know I'm not the only one. :))

10. You are a gift. (God wouldn't have made you if He didn't have a specific purpose + need for you here. Live like you are always welcomed and invited in (because you are), and wherever you go remember you are accepted and treasured just as you are.)

That's all for today's blog, thanks for reading! I hope you have a day full of wonderful surprises + that you notice all the little rays of sunshine the Lord has placed in your life!

~Katy :)



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