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  • Writer's pictureGirl With A Pen

My New Podcast!

Hey friends, you're talking to a new podcaster...if that's even a thing. I just started a podcast called Learning to Bloom Where You're Planted ("bloom" for short) and it is available on Spotify, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and probably pretty much everywhere else you guys go for podcasts. Now I'm just starting out so don't get your hopes up too high, but I plan to interview people who have struggled with or know a lot about the big mental health topics like depression, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and what it's like to be stigmatized or be associated with something that is stigmatized, as well as regarding many more mental disorders and issues. The main focus of this podcast will be to talk about how these normal individuals just like you and I cope with life under different circumstances and perspectives, and I plan to try to upload about biweekly, just like on here but likely on the opposite weeks. We'll also be talking about gratefulness, minimalism, and self-love as we learn together. Tune in if you'd like, and you'll be hearing from me soon!



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