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  • Writer's pictureGirl With A Pen

The Story Behind the Name

Updated: Jan 4, 2019

Hi there, and welcome to the blog! I am very excited to take the first step on this new journey as a Christian and writer, and I am glad you decided to join me. But, you're probably wondering why I started this new website and what made me decide to name it The Fearless Pursuit, so that is where I will start today.

I have wanted to start sharing my thoughts on pieces of the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus for a while now, but I was afraid of rejection and deadlines and what all I would even say. But, through much prayer and dedicated thought, as well as encouragement from some close friends, here I am! So, when I first really decided to make this blog happen and I was trying to come up with name ideas, I thought of 'the fearless pursuit', and it really stood out as a reminder directed toward my doubts concerning this website. It declared this life a journey back to my Creator, on which I should focus my eyes on Jesus' example and not that of others around me. It also reminded me that I have nothing to fear, because God continually chases me down with a truly overwhelming, reckless love. A quote I dearly love, "Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire", is also a piece of why I chose this title, as it is a dedication to follow Jesus through joys as well as heartbreak, because He is the reason I am here and He is the light - not at the end of, but throughout - the tunnel of my life. The fullness of His love is what sets my soul on fire, so I want to be known to 'fearlessly pursue' Him. I am confident that He will not let me down, so I want to live my life to show my adoration for God and worship Him through each and every moment along the way. In the end, the only opinion that truly matters is my Father's, and when I follow His ways, my life is flooded with the joy and light that come from hope and truth. This is the perspective on life that I want to share with you through the start of this website.

I want to use this name not only as a reminder for myself, but as encouragement for you to stay the path set for yourself and root your reasoning and plans in God's absolute truth. This life truly is a journey meant to be lived trusting and looking to our Maker and Redeemer, and when we lose sight of that lifelong purpose, the effects play out in everyday life. When we let the world rule our hearts, minds and actions, our lives are ever-changing and pointless; we spend each day just trying to keep up with our expectations, as well as everyone else's. This destroys peace and joy, and strengthens stress and calamity. As most of you have probably already discovered, the comparing game is not fun at all. But, our reward in heaven for trying to live a godly, spiritually fruitful life is definitely worthwhile. Our God keeps His eternal covenants and promises, and we can depend on Him to be faithful and guide us safely Home into His arms when our time on earth is finished. Therefore, when we let Christ rule our hearts, minds, and actions, our lives are stable and purposeful. This leads to increased knowledge of our definite worth, and inspires us to live in truth and light, rather than darkness and fear. When we lack wisdom in an area or aren't sure what we are to do, we have only to seek Him and He will lead us in the way we should go. (Psalm 16:7-8, James 1:5-6, Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 32:8) When we feel unwanted and alone, we can turn to the many Scriptures through which God speaks of our worth. (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:13-15, Luke 12:6-7) He promises in Matthew 28:20, "I will be with you always, even unto the very end of the age." When we live our lives this way, continually choosing to place God first, our Father forms us into who we are called to become and we have a secured place at the table in heaven when our journey is finished.

The other declaration is that of God's endless love for us. Repeatedly throughout Scripture, the eternal, unconditional love of God is proclaimed and remembered. Examples of this are found in John 3:16, Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:16, 1 John 4:7 and Zephaniah 3:17, but perhaps the most relevant to worry is Romans 8:37-39. These verses say, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." This section is very meaningful to me, because it entirely erases doubt. I do not have to fear the reaction of people around me, or worry about the acceptance (or lack thereof) I will receive by 'putting myself out there'. Rather than focusing on worldly appearance and centering my self-worth around the opinions of other earthly-minded beings, I can place Christ as the cornerstone, knowing His love will never fail and nothing I or anyone else could do will ever hinder it. In Him, I can be truly fearless and pursue Jesus' fullness every single day of my journey back to my true Home, and know each and every moment I place Him first will be more than worth it, no matter what anyone else says - for I know He is always with me no matter what life throws at me. (Psalm 139:8)

The Fearless Pursuit is a place I will upload Christian blogs (written by me) pertaining to how to live your life as a journey dedicated to following Christ and what that looks like in everyday life, as well as posts regarding significant moments in my personal life, and specific encouragement write-ups to inspire and motivate you to continue on, no matter how difficult, demanding, or mundane your specific journey is. I hope you enjoy these insights, and I pray that it helps you grow closer to Jesus and fulfilling your purpose as a chosen child of God. Please let me know if there is anything specific you would like for me to cover or how I can better equip you to 'live out your God-given purpose in Christ every day' through this website by sending me a message on the "Contact" page. I truly believe there is no journey more important than this, and it is one worth giving everything for, so I'm very excited to see where this next step takes me! Will you join me? - K

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Mar 19, 2018

It is incredibly wonderful to witness your reckless pursuit of God! I am overwhelmed with joy and pride about what He is doing in and through you!

“I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.”

‭‭3 John‬ ‭1:4‬ ‭NASB‬‬

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